Hello, this is kinda my first program. I would like to know how to clean the screen so only this code would stay in the console
Clrscr in C Function 'clrscr' (works in Turbo C compiler only) clears the screen and moves the cursor to the upper left-hand corner of the screen. If you are using the GCC compiler, use system function to execute the clear/cls command. Aug 06, 2015 Display message and use of clear screen. Use Dev C 5.7.1 It is best. If having trouble to find it, send me your email id i will send to you. Jun 17, 2004 If you're going to use Dev-C, go to the FAQ posted by Codeplug, and use OPTION 7 (Windows Console Option). It looks scary, but just cut and paste the function in your code, or put it in a header file (.h) and include that at the top (#include 'myheader.h'). Some non-Microsoft versions of C provide a clrscr function for clearing the screen in a DOS application. However, there is no Win32 Application Programming Interface (API) or C-Runtime function that will perform this function. Using the Clear method is equivalent invoking the MS-DOS cls command in the command prompt window. When the Clear method is called, the cursor automatically scrolls to the top-left corner of the window and the contents of the screen buffer are set to blanks using the. I use clrscr; to clear the screen but anyone knows how to clear the screen in any particular area. If you need that kind of control you should be using a console graphics library, or better yet, a full graphical application rather than the console.
I m also having trouble that when i make wrong ccalculation suchs as 5+5+, the program is looping the 5 + 5 calculation and ignores any input.
To clear your screen you can use system('CLS') - keep in mind this makes your program less portable though.
The reason you continuously loop when you enter bad input is because you're trying to accept a number, but are receiving a char, and your input buffer is overflowing.
Try '>flushing the input stream after you get the data you want.
Also, I would recommend using a switch rather than multiple IFs.
Edited by Duki: n/a
WaltP commented: He didn't say he was on a Windows system.-4
sergent commented: no reason to downvote, you can just say that in the command below him WaltP!+5
C++ Clear Screen Code-->Definition
Clears the console buffer and corresponding console window of display information.
Clear Screen In Dev C++Exceptions
An I/O error occurred.
The following example uses the Clear method to clear the console before it executes a loop, prompts the user to select a foreground and background color and to enter a string to display. If the user chooses not to exit the program, the console's original foreground and background colors are restored and the Clear method is called again before re-executing the loop.
The example relies on a
GetKeyPress method to validate the user's selection of a foreground and background color.
How To Clear My Screen
This example demonstrates the CursorLeft and CursorTop properties, and the SetCursorPosition and Clear methods. The example positions the cursor, which determines where the next write will occur, to draw a 5 character by 5 character rectangle using a combination of '+', '|', and '-' strings. Note that the rectangle could be drawn with fewer steps using a combination of other strings.
How To Clear The Screen In Dev ChromeRemarksHow To Clear The Screen In Dev Computer![]()
Using the Clear method is equivalent invoking the MS-DOS
cls command in the command prompt window. When the Clear method is called, the cursor automatically scrolls to the top-left corner of the window and the contents of the screen buffer are set to blanks using the current foreground background colors.
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How To Clear Screen In Dev C++
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Attempting to call the Clear method when a console application's output is redirected to a file throws a IOException. To prevent this, always wrap a call to the Clear method in a
try …catch block.
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